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Flag flying

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Clintons' Ethical Dilemma

This is not the kind of article I want to post.  However, I feel it is the kind of article I must post.  We are in a time when it is wise to strongly support Mrs. Clinton over D. Trump.  This, however, does not eliminate the need to look carefully at any Hillary Clinton ethical lapses or faults.

The article linked to below shines a bright light on the Clintons' ethical dilemma.  It is a dilemma which is not beyond the reach of solving, but is one which needs to be addressed in order to avoid distress later on.

So, why not address it now and save distress in the future?  It seems that the Clinton Foundation itself is a problem, at least according to this fine New York Magazine article.  Trading on one's name, as the Clintons do, no matter for a good purpose, can indeed be problematic for a President.  Hillary Clinton needs to completely distance herself from any unseemly appearance of conflict of interest.

The Clintons' Ethical Dilemma

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

New Trump Speech on Crime Echoes Convention Speech

D. Trump's speech on law and order yesterday appears to echo the theme and tone of his much-maligned convention speech of last month.  Coming on the heels of his new campaign shake-up, Trump's "new" tone appears no more constructive than his past approach.

Responses to Trump Convention Speech

U.S. flag blowing

U.S. flag blowing

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