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Friday, November 6, 2015

Should Socialists Or Anyone Else Support Bernie Sanders?

The answer is complicated. 

The International Socialist Review has an interesting article on the matter.  It asks the question:  Should socialists support Bernie Sanders for President?   I highly recommend this article, no matter how one answers the question.  The article is thoughtful, well-researched with good statistics. 

This article reminds me of the relative limits of options currently available to those on the left.  As the article makes clear, Mr. Sanders is making a valuable contribution to the dialogue.  But as is also clear he is rather compromised. 

Hillary Clinton is in an even worse position, having supported welfare "deform" in the '90's, along with neoliberal policies right along. 

It is not just so clear from the article what a person on the left is supposed to do.  Clearly, doing anything -- such as supporting a Ralph Nader -- which would put a right-winger in the White House is unconscionable. 

The best one can hope for is what Sanders has been suggesting -- a national movement.  But whether he is the one to lead it is another question. 

We have a long ways to go in forming such a national movement.  We seem not even as far along as Spain's Podemos movement, which has itself suffered recently from certain compromises in order to gain elective office.

I urge readers to check into the fall issue of The International Socialist Review for good articles not only on the Sanders candidacy but other matters of great interest to workers everywhere. 

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