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Flag flying

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Washington Post Op-ed Questions Sanity Of a Sanders Nomination

The writer Dana Milbank of The Washington Post writes in today's edition that a Bernie Sanders nomination would be something like political suicide for the Democrats this year.  He says this even while acknowledging Sanders' accomplishments in the campaign.

I plan to say more about this later.  However, I do have concerns about Republican attacks against Sanders' "socialism."  Sanders comments about big government this week raise serious concerns about his ability to ward off the Republican attack machine.  Polls in the recent past have indicated about half the electorate would not vote for a socialist for President in 2016 under any circumstances.

Of course, if the Republican Party were to split in two this could create a brand-new environment with elevated uncertainly for all parties concerned.  Absent some "cataclysmic" event of this nature, the only way Sanders could win would be to actually create the kind of revolution he has been promising.  Again, if there is a serious economic catastrophe, for example, such a "revolution" could be forthcoming.

Otherwise, a Sanders nomination is a risky proposition.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton Responds To Question About Speaking Fee on "Meet the Press"

How does Hillary Clinton respond to questions about the huge speaking fees she has earned?  You can see for yourself at the link below.

Whatever else, Mrs. Clinton is forceful in her denial that such large fees earn the givers any special favors.  Now we must answer the question whether she is being truthful.  Her claim that her actions speak loudly can be checked against the record.

From my knowledge I'd say Hillary Clinton does care about reining in Wall Street's power.  Whether she goes far enough can be questioned.  We need to hear more from Mrs. Clinton on this subject.

Hillary Clinton Responds To Question About Huge Speaking Fee

Unions Critical To Economic Improvement: Hillary's View

Often ignored by the media is the subject of union decline in America.  As unions have been under attack by the oligarchs and their millions, Americans have seen their wages stagnate.  With prices continuing to rise, the absence of overall increases in wages is a recipe for disaster, not only to individual families, but to the economy as a whole.  Hillary Clinton knows this.  You can review her position here:

Hillary Clinton On Unions

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"Poor O'Malley"

The phrase "poor O'Malley" was "trending" on Twitter after Sunday night's debate in which the former Maryland Governor was hard-pressed to get even "ten seconds."  Some of the comments are at the link below.

I agree that if Mr. O'Malley is going to be invited to these debates -- and he certainly should be -- he deserves equal time.

One solution would be to have the PBS News Hour people run one of these so-called debates.  Depending on who was moderating, perhaps there would be both more civility and a better division of time.  What we are getting from these for-profit media broadcasters are slug-fests -- verbal versions of the gladiator contest of yore.

America deserves better.  

"O'Malley" on Twitter

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Suddenly: Will Kerry, or Gore, or Biden, or even Dukakis Enter the Race If Hillary Falters?

For one of the few times since blogging, I hope the whole world doesn't see this -- not yet.  I don't want to see disarray in the Democratic Party.  And I don't wish any candidate ill in any personal sense.

But there is beginning to be talk that Hillary Clinton should not be in a position of being threatened by Bernie Sanders the way she is at this time.  A new poll seems to show Bernie closing in on her in Iowa.  

Since I detest "horse-race" reporting, I'm going to keep this brief.  Maybe the whole world won't notice.  But as for you, dear reader, you deserve the latest.  More at the link below.  

What Happens If Hillary Should Lose Iowa and New Hampshire?

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U.S. flag blowing

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