It's good to see ya'll today. This is Harry Truman Redux. Just think of me as Pres. Harry Truman come back to watch after your best interests.
In the next few days I will be sharing some of my words of encouragement and inspiration with you. Most were first said by me from the back platform of the Ferdinand Magellan train as it rolled across the country during the 1948 campaign. We stopped at around 140 places on our first official campaign trip and I gave about 147 speeches and shook some 30,000 hands. There were over a million people in Los Angeles. My life in the White House had become practically a prison, and it was a joy and an honor to get out and meet all the people.
You may know that I always did love music and that I played the piano. Some people said I played pretty well. Anyway, my friend (I call most people that), The Musical Patriot, has decided to use my words to help out in this 2014 campaign. I say, Go right ahead, and give them h***. Actually, it is just going to be the truth and our opponents are going to think it's h***!
As you can see, I still care about the country, even up here in this eternal Missouri some call heaven. Bess is here and doing fine, and, now Margaret, too -- sweet thing. Follow me here for the next few days. Have a good time, but mostly get out and vote and ask your friends to vote, too. And this time, unlike in 2010, vote for yourselves. Vote for yourselves!
Very sincerely yours,
Harry Truman
It's good to see ya'll today. This is Harry Truman Redux. Just think of me as Pres. Harry Truman come back to watch after your best interests.
In the next few days I will be sharing some of my words of encouragement and inspiration with you. Most were first said by me from the back platform of the Ferdinand Magellan train as it rolled across the country during the 1948 campaign. We stopped at around 140 places on our first official campaign trip and I gave about 147 speeches and shook some 30,000 hands. There were over a million people in Los Angeles. My life in the White House had become practically a prison, and it was a joy and an honor to get out and meet all the people.
You may know that I always did love music and that I played the piano. Some people said I played pretty well. Anyway, my friend (I call most people that), The Musical Patriot, has decided to use my words to help out in this 2014 campaign. I say, Go right ahead, and give them h***. Actually, it is just going to be the truth and our opponents are going to think it's h***!
As you can see, I still care about the country, even up here in this eternal Missouri some call heaven. Bess is here and doing fine, and, now Margaret, too -- sweet thing. Follow me here for the next few days. Have a good time, but mostly get out and vote and ask your friends to vote, too. And this time, unlike in 2010, vote for yourselves. Vote for yourselves!
Very sincerely yours,
Harry Truman
Thank you, President Truman! Your words are just as clear and just as needed in 2014 as they were in 1948.