A very small portion of the speech is printed below. For the entire speech please visit the URL below. What a night that must have been when Harry Truman spoke!
Selfish men have always tried to skim the cream from our natural resources to satisfy their own greed. And they have always sought to control the Government in order to accomplish this. Their instrument in this effort has always been the Republican Party.
The Republican administrations of our time have done their best to make the West [p.532] an economic colony of Wall Street. In the 1920's, under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, quick and greedy exploitation was the order of the day. Many parts of the West were withering--withering from the failure to develop its power and irrigation, withering actually from Republican sabotage.
Selfish men had control, and the great resources of the West were wasted with sinful disregard of the people.
Never before in history had so much been wasted by so few.
Speech Text: The Night Harry Truman Spoke at the Mormon Tabernacle
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