The holidays are impinging on my schedule, delaying my postings here. However, there is also inspiration to be felt and uplifted by.
Very much still on my mind is the disastrous "election" of last month. I had the opportunity to share some of what I know with a local voting registrar yesterday. This registrar was very friendly, not your typical stoic bureaucrat by any means. She welcomed news of all the voter suppression tactics being used these days.
This is a time to be vigilant and dutiful. In coming days I will continue my research on just how to lobby Congress to launch an investigation of this election. Clearly, such an investigation is warranted. (See previous posts here and at Brad Blog.) If such an investigation is not held American prestige will fall further around the world. For the world is watching. This blog is proof of that. We Americans must do the best we can to oppose this egregious undermining of democracy through the polls.
One can begin to see and feel the American people setting aside or proscribing this election and all those who commercialized it. While there were ever so many honest people connect with Election 2014, from candidates on down to the voters, there was such a smearing and skewing of the election by the type of campaign in many cases, as to make the vote effectively invalid.
I will be looking into this matter further. Evidence points to a crime -- a crime against the voter, and thus, if you will, a crime against humanity. Must we wait for some national calamity to make things right? Why not address the problem now, possibly averting a major governmental crisis, such as we have seen before (August 2011 and the various government shut-downs, "fiscal cliffs," and other horrors)? Let's get busy America! Dear reader, please do educate yourself about all that is going on with elections. Knowledge is power and it is with knowledge we must begin our task.
Very much still on my mind is the disastrous "election" of last month. I had the opportunity to share some of what I know with a local voting registrar yesterday. This registrar was very friendly, not your typical stoic bureaucrat by any means. She welcomed news of all the voter suppression tactics being used these days.
This is a time to be vigilant and dutiful. In coming days I will continue my research on just how to lobby Congress to launch an investigation of this election. Clearly, such an investigation is warranted. (See previous posts here and at Brad Blog.) If such an investigation is not held American prestige will fall further around the world. For the world is watching. This blog is proof of that. We Americans must do the best we can to oppose this egregious undermining of democracy through the polls.
One can begin to see and feel the American people setting aside or proscribing this election and all those who commercialized it. While there were ever so many honest people connect with Election 2014, from candidates on down to the voters, there was such a smearing and skewing of the election by the type of campaign in many cases, as to make the vote effectively invalid.
I will be looking into this matter further. Evidence points to a crime -- a crime against the voter, and thus, if you will, a crime against humanity. Must we wait for some national calamity to make things right? Why not address the problem now, possibly averting a major governmental crisis, such as we have seen before (August 2011 and the various government shut-downs, "fiscal cliffs," and other horrors)? Let's get busy America! Dear reader, please do educate yourself about all that is going on with elections. Knowledge is power and it is with knowledge we must begin our task.
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